Math, Done Right
For U of T courses go to our 'tutoring' tab
"Let us judge people by their questions, rather than by their answers." – Voltaire
"It's not that I am so smart, it's that I stay with problems longer."
– Einstein
"Our children are only as brilliant as we allow them to be."
– Eric Micha'el Leventhal
Deep learning. Real Results.
Math isn't taught properly in our public schools. Teachers don't understand the material, can't explain concepts or answer questions, and students are chronically confused, stressed, and unprepared for university mathematics. We do math right. We explain every concept in depth (i.e. we show students where the math they're doing comes from, and why it works – not just how to do it) and answer questions before they're asked. Our students develop real, deep, lasting understanding, and head to university confident and primed for success.
​Enrol your budding scholar today, and see what math learning should be like!
Math Done Right founder Simon Capobianco discussing why students are not prepared for university math

2019 TATP Teaching Excellence Award (Nominated)
Teaching Assistant: MAT186, MAT187, MAT188, MAT135, MAT136, MAT223: U of T St. George, Fall 2017 – Winter 2022
Take a look at what Simon's students have to say about him!
(comments from anonymous UofT instructor feedback surveys)
Course Co-ordinator (and founder) Summer Math Success Program (SMSP ) preparing incoming engineering students for first-year calculus and linear algebra, University of Toronto St. George, Faculty of Engineering: summer 2021 and 2022.
"Explains more content in one tutorial than one week of lectures. Extra sessions are so helpful."
"You're amazing. You make the material understandable. Thank you."
Founder and Lecturer, 'Connecting the Dots: A Deeper Look at Linear Algebra' (giving MAT188 students a more conceptual, rigorous approach to their course material) U of T Engineering, Fall 2018
Lecturing TA, Math Success Program, U of T Engineering, Fall 2018, Winter 2019.
Subjects taught: Linear Algebra, Calculus, Competition Math (CMC, AMC, COMC, Kangaroo, Euclid) grades 4-12, SAT/ACT, GRE, GMAT, Probability/Combinatorics, Real Analysis, Topology.
University courses tutored: U of T, McGill, Queens', UWO, Harvard, UBC, York, Toronto Metropolitan University, Waterloo, Guelph.
"Thanks for teaching us! It makes so much sense when you teach."
"You rock :) I'm not even in this tutorial but you're great."

(Simon teaching calculus to U of T engineering students, Fall 2018)
"Please lead my lectures, you do a better job of explaining things than my lecturer :("
"You help me understand a lot of these concepts better! Thanks!"
"Great job!"
"Simon was a great TA who put in a great deal of effort to help us all learn. There was not a question left unanswered despite whatever the scope of the course may be. He contributed a lot to the depth of my learning, whenever something was not clicking I’d essentially run to Simon with the full confidence that he’d be able to mend that gap for me. I recall our first tutorial where he was teaching us about absolute values, and solving was the easy bit but the restrictions were what always got me and I remember the exact moment he mended that gap for me."
"You're the best! Thanks so much for all your hard work!"
"Awesome job! :) Thanks for all the help."
"Really does want us to learn – we love you Simon!"
"You should be an instructor [lecturer]!!
You are such a great teacher!!"
"Great teaching concepts"
"Keep it up! Very helpful tutorial."
"The lessons are so helpful."
"Keep up the awesome work!"