Math, Done Right
For U of T courses go to our 'tutoring' tab
"Let us judge people by their questions, rather than by their answers." – Voltaire
"It's not that I am so smart, it's that I stay with problems longer."
– Einstein
"Our children are only as brilliant as we allow them to be."
– Eric Micha'el Leventhal
Deep learning. Real Results.
Math isn't taught properly in our public schools. Teachers don't understand the material, can't explain concepts or answer questions, and students are chronically confused, stressed, and unprepared for university mathematics. We do math right. We explain every concept in depth (i.e. we show students where the math they're doing comes from, and why it works – not just how to do it) and answer questions before they're asked. Our students develop real, deep, lasting understanding, and head to university confident and primed for success.
​Enrol your budding scholar today, and see what math learning should be like!
During the 2023-24 fall term we are offering private tutoring (both group and individual) for MAT186H1F and MAT188H1F. The instructor is an award-winning former TA with 5 years experience teaching both courses (to see what previous 186/188 students have to say about him click here). We will also be holding weekly review sessions, during which current course topics are explained, and examples worked through; there is also ample time for Q&A, and students receive PDF session notes. Thorough, multi-day review sessions will be held before exams (although we strongly recommend attending the weekly sessions, rather than just the exam prep) during which past-exam questions will be taken up in great detail, with relevant concepts recapitulated. To attend a free review session/office hour find the zoom info below. To schedule a free trial tutoring session (group or individual) send us an email at info@mathdoneright.education
For information about our award-winning instructor click here
Check out our videos below (including worked solutions to past problems):
To register for a session (upcoming dates below) please email us at info@mathdoneright.education. Let us know if you are a new student and get a free trial session; refer a friend, and your next session is on us!
Upcoming sessions:
Week 1 (Monday January 16th, 7-9pm): Prerequisites review: vectors, lines, and planes, sets and set builder notation. Linear combinations (including restricted linear combinations) and spans (lines and planes through the origin) row reduction for solving systems of linear equations (Gauss-Jordan elimination) interpreting solutions (point/line/plane) introduction to subspaces. Price: Free
Week 2 (Monday January 23rd, 7-9pm): Linear dependence and independence, bases and dimension, testing linear dependence and finding bases (including with matrices) extending linearly independent subsets to bases. Introduction to linear transformations. Price: Free
Week 3 (Monday January 30th, 7-9pm): Dot products, projections (components) and orthogonality. Orthogonal complements and decompositions. Normal forms of lines and planes. Intersection of lines and planes (solutions to linear systems) in vector form. Multiplication of matrices by vectors (with relationship to linear systems) and other matrices. Price: Free
Week 4 (Monday February 6th, 7-9pm): Matrices of linear transformations with respect to bases. Representations of vectors in different (ordered) bases. Change of basis. Price: Free
Week 5 (Monday February 13th, 7-9pm): Change of basis continued. Using projections to find orthogonal (and hence linearly independent) vectors. Price: $16
Week 6 (Monday February 20th, 7-9pm): Reading week. Review (previous topics) and getting ahead (upcoming topics). Possible (based on demand) extra sessions with topics by request. Price: $16
Week 7 (Monday February 27th, 7-9pm): The fundamental subspaces (range/image and kernel/nullspace) and their dimensions (nullity/rank) the all-important Rank-Nullity theorem and it's utility. Price: $16
Week 8 (Monday March 6th, 7-9pm): Inverse transformations, when they exist (one-one and onto functions) and how to test for the conditions. Matrix inverses and elementary matrices. Determinants. Price: $16
Week 9 (Monday March 13th, 7-9pm): Applications of matrix inverses (using inverses to solve linear systems) and additional topics. More on determinants. Price: $16
Week 10 (Monday March 20th, 7-9pm): Inverse transformations, when they exist (one-one and onto functions) and how to test for the conditions. Matrix inverses and elementary matrices. Determinants. Price: $16
Week 11 (Monday March 27th, 7-9pm): Eigenvalues and eigenvectors (and how to find them) eigenbases and introduction to diagonalization. Change of basis review. Price: $16
Week 12 (Monday April 3rd, 7-9pm): Diagonalization continued. Additional topics (by request) and post-reading week review. Price: $16
Final Exam Review: To Be Announced