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"Thanks for teaching us! It makes so much sense when you teach."  – MAT188 Student

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MAT223 (Winter 2024)

Here you can find our programming for MAT223H1F. We offer group and individual tutoring, as well as weekly review sessions (schedule below) exam -prep sessions will be announced shortly.  Our base rate for individual tutoring is currently $65/hr – group rates vary according to the number of students (email us for details).  

Upcoming Weekly Review Sessions (Topics + Q/A) 

(Just click on the day/time to be taken to the Zoom link!)

"Explains more content in one tutorial than one week of lectures. Extra sessions are so helpful." – MAT188 Student

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Questions?  We'd love to hear from you!

About the Instructor

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Simon Capobianco is an award-winning math teacher and former TA/course-coordinator at the U of T St. George Faculty of Engineering. After having a bad experience with math in high school (then falling in love with it in university) Simon started Math Done Right to bring math students the experience that he wished he'd had when he was in their position. For ten years he has helped thousands of students, at both the university and high-school level, discover how much more fun (and less stressful) math can be when it is taught properly. His students have gone on to become engineers, doctors, computer scientists, and financial-industry professionals.

Check out what students have to say about him!

"I am grateful to have had you as a TA" – MAT186 Student

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"Thank you so much for helping me this year, I’ve never had concepts explained to me so comprehensively, and there is actually no way I could’ve passed this course without you!" – MCV4U Student

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"Please lead my lectures, you do a better job of explaining things than my lecturer :("  – MAT188 Student

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"You're amazing. You make the material understandable. Thank you." – MAT188 Student

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 "I found Simon's teaching style very informative. The Midterm 1 session gave me all the practical knowledge that I needed to do well on that test. Questions that students/I had were answered fully, and the root of the question (why was I having trouble with this) was addressed which was extremely helpful. I certainly learned more about problem solving in that short session, than in most lectures." – CSC165 Student

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"Simon was a great TA who put in a great deal of effort to help us all learn. There was not a question left unanswered despite whatever the scope of the course may be. He contributed a lot to the depth of my learning, whenever something was not clicking I’d essentially run to Simon with the full confidence that he’d be able to mend that gap for me. I recall our first tutorial where he was teaching us about absolute values, and solving was the easy bit but the restrictions were what always got me and I remember the exact moment he mended that gap for me." – MAT186 Student

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"You're the best! Thanks so much for all your hard work!"

"You rock :) I'm not even in this tutorial but you're great." – MAT188 Student

"Great teaching concepts"

"Keep up the awesome work!"

"Really does want us to learn – we love you Simon!"

"Awesome job! :) Thanks for all the help."

"Keep it up! Very helpful tutorial."

"The lessons are so helpful."

"Thanks for teaching us! It makes so much sense when you teach."  – MAT188 Student

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Drop us a line, and we’ll get right back to you!

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