Math, Done Right
For U of T courses go to our 'tutoring' tab
"Let us judge people by their questions, rather than by their answers." – Voltaire
"It's not that I am so smart, it's that I stay with problems longer."
– Einstein
"Our children are only as brilliant as we allow them to be."
– Eric Micha'el Leventhal
Deep learning. Real Results.
Math isn't taught properly in our public schools. Teachers don't understand the material, can't explain concepts or answer questions, and students are chronically confused, stressed, and unprepared for university mathematics. We do math right. We explain every concept in depth (i.e. we show students where the math they're doing comes from, and why it works – not just how to do it) and answer questions before they're asked. Our students develop real, deep, lasting understanding, and head to university confident and primed for success.